Yes, for those of you paying attention, I did pretty much take last week's opening sentence and replace a "3" with an "8"--that's because right after posting last week's review of the 1932 movie She, my pal Dan O'Connor stated, "I'm not ashamed to say I was really hoping you'd be reviewing the 1982 version." My first response was, "What 1982 version?"
Yes, somehow, despite the ten thousand hours I spent watching cable TV and toiling at a video store, I somehow missed this 1982 version of H. Rider Haggard's She, and was overjoyed to find that it, too, was on Netflix WI! So I queued this baby up immediately.

The film proper starts with a title card that says "23 Years after the Cancellation" (I hear ya, I felt that way about Sports Night), and then we meet two men, Tom and Dick, and Tom's sister Hari (no, really). The three visit some sort of trading post, full of crap left over from the apocalypse. A roving bad of football uniform-wearing Nazis arrive, beat everybody up, and drag Hari off.
Tom and Dick end up in this big castle where all the people inside worship "She", played by Sandahl Bergman:

I could get into the plot details, but it would be like describing a dream. She, as written and directed by Avi Nesher, is incomprehensible. There's a scene where She (who gets kidnapped by Tom and Harry fairly easily, again undercutting the whole "She is a God" thing) ends up in this cave full of old crates, which contain bad guys who, presumably, just wait around for days, weeks on end for some poor slob to come wandering by just so they can jump out and grab them.
She is then grabbed by a guy in a Frankenstein mask, wearing a suit and mismatched socks:

...if I may pause for a moment, I want to make this point: look at this still. I think this is what George Lucas sees when he looks at the original Star Wars movies. In his mind, the f/x in those movies are so out-dated that they look like this, and he just can't stand it. Hence, the endless fidgeting with movies that were perfect as is. The rest of us can discern the difference between the Holy Trilogy and this cheapjack POS, but to Lucas, A New Hope might as well be She. Okay, back to the review!
The closest She gets to replicating anything from the original book is when, after She is attacked by Frankenstein (whose head bursts as if filled with air...huh?), she/She retreats to a rejuvenating pool (not flame) and is healed. Also unlike the 1932 version, this one has boobies!
The closest She gets to replicating anything from the original book is when, after She is attacked by Frankenstein (whose head bursts as if filled with air...huh?), she/She retreats to a rejuvenating pool (not flame) and is healed. Also unlike the 1932 version, this one has boobies!

This scene is intercut with footage of an old woman who babbles on about She's destiny, or something. The old woman is played by someone named Maria Quasimodo, which is the greatest name in the history of anything.
There's more, so much more. We meet more new characters than you'd see in any five movies: guys dressed as mummies, a big hairy guy in a pink tutu, a gang of sort-of yuppies, who turn for some reason into werewolves:
There's more, so much more. We meet more new characters than you'd see in any five movies: guys dressed as mummies, a big hairy guy in a pink tutu, a gang of sort-of yuppies, who turn for some reason into werewolves:

...a guy with laser eyes...

...and this guy, who clearly had every episode of Mork and Mindy taped on his Betamax:

There's another scene set in a garbage compactor, but without that cool one-eyed creature that came with Kenner's Death Star playset (remember those pieces of foam that were supposed to stand in for the garbage? They tasted awful!), that's set to horribly inappropriate 80s hair-metal.
She and her best pal Shandra go with Tom and Dick to rescue Hari, and they do. When Tom and Hari leave, She gets upset, because she loves the big lug:

As I said, She is a total mess. In the beginning, I thought that it was just a really bad movie; incompetently shot, acted, and scored. But about halfway through, I realized that the filmmakers clearly didn't care, and were going for that kind of "what the hell" kitchen-sink approach that maybe, somehow, congeal Spam-like into something, anything, resembling an actual capital-M Movie. Hell, at one point even She herself says, "This isn't about sense." And how!
I guess this means I have to talk about the 1965 She next week, doesn't it?
After that...yeah. It's the only way to make good....;)
"Maria Quasimodo, which is the greatest name in the history of anything." What a great line!
The 1965 version has Ursula Undressed, so that should be good.
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